Industrijske dražbe

Stroji iz plačilne nesposobnosti, likvidacije podjetja, zaprtja ali modernizacije
Ponastavi filtre Prikaz izdelkov
Metalworking: Bending, Cutting, Welding & Accessories
Clearance of well maintained machines
Nemčija, Aichach / Gallenbach
Clearance of well maintained machines
Well-Maintained Machines for Metalworking & more
Machines and Inventory for Plastics and Metal Processing
is continuously updated
SKF (UK) Limited - Bearing Manufacturing Facility - Auction 2
Združeno kraljestvo (Velika Britanija), 2 lokacij
SKF (UK) Limited - Bearing Manufacturing Facility - Auction 2
MAZAK machines and  Workshop inventory
Wide Choice of Workshop Equipment & more
Woodworking, Construction & Metalworking Machines - Austria
APPLE Notebooks, Office Equipment & IT Devices
Closure of a Footwear Factory
Portugalska, Duas Igrejas
Closure of a Footwear Factory
Machines for Workshop and Maintenance
Judicial Liquidation No. 59/2023 Court of Turin : HYUNDAI TUCSON
Sale after Restructuring of a Furniture Production
FREUTEK Warehouse Liquidation of Machinery and Tools for Metal Processing and Woodworking Dealer
Machinery Modernization of a Door & Windows Production Company
Machines, Accessories & Measuring Devices from company closure
Machines and Accessories (Metalworking) 14/01
listing permanently updated
Machines & Accessories from the Construction Industry
Quality Compressors by Renowned Manufacturers
Everything from €1 - Woodworking and Metalworking Machinery and Tools
Judicial Liquidation 31/2024 Court of Vicenza : Closure of a Tannery
Premium Machines (HECKERT, TRUMPF, DMG etc.)
Metalworking Machinery Selection (Spain)
permanently updated
Spare Parts for Woodworking Machines
Closure of Woodworking Workshops (Spain)
permanently updated
Closure of a Metalworking Company
Nemčija, Esslingen
Closure of a Metalworking Company
Plastics Processing Machinery - France
Judicial liquidation N°195/2024 Court of Turin: Scaffolding for Construction Work and Equipment
ATTENTION: Auction with deposit! A deposit of 10% of the starting price of the interested lots will be required. For information on modalities, please send your request to:
Restructuring of a Mechanical Workshop
Judicial Liquidation 149/2024 Trib. of Turin: Closure of a renowned Textile Mill
Closure of a Metal Construction Company
Nemčija, Ruppertshofen
Closure of a Metal Construction Company
Closure of a Turning Shop
Nemčija, Wolnzach
Closure of a Turning Shop
Department Closure of a Renowned Precision Engineering Company
Bargain Auction - Eastern Europe - TOS, GILDEMEISTER, ROTA, AZK, FESTO and more
permanently updated
Surplex Woodworking Auction (Italy)
Closure of a Metal and Plastic Processing Factory
Surplex Metalworking Auction (Italy)
Agricultural Machinery (Spain)
Španija, La Cabana, Tarragona
Agricultural Machinery (Spain)
Clearance of a Modular Furniture Manufacturer - SCM, BIESSE, HOMAG, CEFLA, DMC, MONGUZZI - Woodworking Machines
Surplex Metalworking Auction (France)
Welding Cells and more from an Automotive Supplier
Wide Choice, Favourable Prices: Metalworking Machines and Accessories
permanently updated
Valuable Woodworking Machines
Restructuring of a Furniture Manufacturing Company - SCM, WEINIG, HOMAG, VITAP - Woodworking Machines
Insolvency Auction Toolmaking and Custom-Made Products
Bankruptcy R.G.651/2021 Trib. di Milano - Closure of a Metal Carpentry
Surplex Woodworking Auction (January)
permanently updated
Closure of a Metal Processing Company
Quality Metalworking Machines
Attention! Availability after coordination between February and April 2025
Wide Choice, Favourable Prices: Stock Clearance Woodworking
permanently updated
Automotive Manufacturing Machinery And Associated Equipment
Združeno kraljestvo (Velika Britanija), Wolverhampton
Automotive Manufacturing Machinery And Associated Equipment
Wide Selection of Workshop Equipment and more: Many Opportunities Starting from 1€
Site Closure of a Shop and Interior Design Manufacturer
Machines & Workshop Equipment (Metalworking) 22/01
permanently updated
Restructuring of a Metalworking Company
Wide Choice, Favourable Prices: Collective Auction Metalworking
permanently updated
Restructuring of a Hair Clipper Manufacturer
Lot 5 and Lot 9: Location 78112 St. Georgen
Machinery and Accessories (Metal, Wood and Plastics Processing, Handling Equipment, Construction Machinery, Agricultural Industry) - Hungary
permanently updated
Machinery and Accessories (Metalworking) TRUMPF, HERMLE, SCHIESS, DMG MORI, TOS - Eastern Europe
permanently updated
Closure of 2 Carpentry Shops
Portugalska, 6 lokacij
Closure of 2 Carpentry Shops
Closure of a Well-Maintained Machining Operation
Bankruptcy of a Plastic Packaging Manufacturer for the Food Industry
Insolvency Erwin Gronemeier GmbH & Co. KG - Quality Production of Exclusive Furniture Parts
CNC Machinery & Associated Tooling - UK
Združeno kraljestvo (Velika Britanija), 4 lokacij
CNC Machinery & Associated Tooling - UK
permanently updated!
Warehouse Auction: Well-Maintained Machines
Nemčija, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Warehouse Auction: Well-Maintained Machines
Surplex Metalworking Auction (France)
FREUTEK Warehouse Liquidation of the Machine & Tool Dealer for Wood and Metal
Remaining Stock from Grinding Plant Closure
AUCTION ON BEHALF OF SELLER: Liquidity Auction Metalworking - Electro - Hydraulics
Closure of a Czech Brand Furniture Shop
Češka republika, 3 lokacij
Closure of a Czech Brand Furniture Shop
Stock Clearance of a Machine Dealer
Closure of an Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer - Part 4
listing permanently updated
Closure of a Hair Clipper Production
Madžarska, Mosonmagyaróvár
Closure of a Hair Clipper Production
Insolvency of an Industrial Bakery
Češka republika, Litvínov 8
Insolvency of an Industrial Bakery
Machines from Well-Maintained and Small Carpentry Shops
Closure of a Renowned Metalworking Company
Items are not available until March 2025
Closure of an Aerospace Industry Components Manufacturer
Assortment of Automatic Pipe Cutting and Deburring Equipment BEWO and SINICO - Starting Bargain Prices!
Restructuring of a Machinery Warehouse
Gear accessoriess: REISHAUER, Dr. Kaiser, Sandvik
Closure of a Locksmith's Shop
Nemčija, Rastatt
Closure of a Locksmith's Shop
Wide Range of Power Generators and Excavators
Ceramic Tiles Manufacturer Closure
Dismantling must be completed before 31-05-2025.
Closure of a glass mould manufacturer
Španija, Sant Vicenç de Castellet
Closure of a glass mould manufacturer
Closure of a Gear Manufacturer
Nemčija, Sprockhövel
Closure of a Gear Manufacturer
Bargain Metalworking Machines & Workshop Inventory
Clearance of Construction Machinery and Large Selection of Storage Racks

Industrijske dražbe rabljenih strojev na!

Kaj je industrijska dražba?

Industrijske dražbe se ne razlikujejo zelo od navadnih dražb, pri katerih oseba, ki ponudi največ denarja dobi stroj. Preko spletnih industrijskih dražb je možno kupiti kvalitetne industrijske stroje in opremo znanega proizvajalca ali podjetja po nizkih cenah.Včasih bodo te dražbe imele odlične ponudbe, ki jih ponavadi ne najdete drugje. Naše spletne dražbe omogočajo mednarodnim podjetjem, da sodelujejo, vseeno kje se nahajajo.

Kakšne vrste predmetov lahko najdete na industrijski dražbi?

Na naši spletni strani boste našli velikanski izbor strojev in opreme po ugodnih cenah na mnogih različnih industrijskih dražbah. Osredotočamo se na stroje za obdelavo lesa in stroje za obdelavo kovine, vendar ponujamo tudi opremo za mnoge druge industrije vključno s prehransko industrijo, gradbeno industrijo in elektrotehnično industrijo. Najdete lahko različne izdelke kot so žage, brusilni stroji, rezkalni stroji, robne lepilke in več.
Med postopkom zaprtja tovarne se običajno poleg proizvodnih strojev in opreme prodajajo tudi druge stvari. Za to imamo industrijske dražbe, ki vključujejo širok nabor pisarniške opreme, generatorjev, vozil in opreme za transport materialov, kompresorje, opremo za shranjevanje, opremo za merjenje, industrijske robote, pakirne stroje in opremo za delavnico.

Razlogi zakaj kupiti opremo na spletnih industrijskih dražbah

Glavni razlog zakaj posamezniki sodelujejo pri industrijski dražbi je, ker vedo, da bodo lahko dobili opremo, ki jo potrebujejo, po nizki ceni. Toda še ena prednost teh dražb je, da veste, da je izdelek takoj na voljo. Industrijske dražbe, so postale priljubljene, ker se vložek povrne hitreje kot, če izdelek naročite pri proizvajalcu. Včasih bodo prodajalci kupili opremo v likvidacijskih dražbah, ker vedo, da lahko kupljeno prodajo za dvakratnik investicije tistim, ki še niso slišali ali ne sodelujejo pri industrijskih dražbah strojev.

Stvari, ki jih morate pomniti, ko sodelujete pri industrijskih dražbah opreme

Ko sodelujete pri industrijski dražbi opreme, je pomembno, da se v naprej zavedate, kaj lahko pričakujete. Prepričajte se, da veste, za kaj dajete ponudbo. Ponavadi dražbe trajajo nekaj dni, tako da imate čas, da se pozanimate in preverite če izdelki, za katere se potegujete ustrezajo vašim potrebam. Prepričajte se, da stroj, ki ga kupujete pride z navodili z uporabo, saj vam bo to pomagalo oceniti vrednost stroja. Če je stroj nov, bodo navodila za uporabo na voljo. Toda, če je stroj bil v lasti več lastnikov, navodila za uporabo verjetno ne bodo priložena. Včasih so pri dražbi tudi dodatni stroški, ki niso javno navedeni, pozanimajte se od vsega začetka, če je pri vašem stroju tako. Če preberete droben tisk boste lahko videli, če je dražba vredna vaše pozornosti. Spletne dražbe vsebujejo davke, transportne in druge stroške. Zavedajte se teh stroškov, drugače boste lahko presenečeni, ko pride čas za plačilo.

Zakaj se splača kupovati na!

V toku let smo uspešno prodali tisoče strojev in orodij preko naših spletnih industrijskih dražb in tako postali vodilna platforma za trgovanje z rabljenimi stroji. V središču našega podjetja so storitve za stranke. Naša ekipa bo zagotovila, da boste prejeli opremo, ki jo iščete, medtem ko bo ekipa za pomoč uporabnikom vedno na voljo pred in po nakupu. Imamo dolgoletne izkušnje in radi vam pomagamo na vse možne načine.