FREUTEK ATT0004 Roller Support for Mounting/Dismounting Cones BT40/HSK63

FREUTEK ATT0004 Roller Support for Mounting/Dismounting Cones BT40/HSK63
serijska št. 6
Čas zaključka: 14.01.2025 14:04
19 € Izklicna cena
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FREUTEK ATT0004 Roller Support for Mounting/Dismounting Cones BT40/HSK63
14.01.2025 14:04
Čas zaključka
19 €
Izklicna cena
FREUTEK ATT0004 Roller Support for Mounting/Dismounting Cones BT40/HSK63
Številka izdelka
Model / Vrsta
Leto izdelave
Izdelek na voljo od
Kakovost izdelka
Nemčija, 04895 Falkenberg
provizija dražbe
19 %
Cena demontiranja in nalaganja (binding)
27.00 €
Končna cena
plus DDV
Cena prevoza
ne vsebuje
Pogoji dostave
FCA Falkenberg, naloženo na dostavno vozilo
Pogoji plačila
100% plačilo pred prevzemom
Približna teža
2 kg
približne mere postavitve (d x š x v)
210 x 120 x 120 mm
Roller mounting support for BT-40/HSK63 cones. Equipped with a bidirectional roller engagement, it allows you to tighten the tool holder on the flange and allows convenient assembly and disassembly of tools or accessories on the cone. The design of the ATT0004 guarantees the protection of the cone thanks to the total absence of contact with the support. The base is also equipped with holes useful for anchoring to the workbench.
The item that is delivered is MAY NOT BE the one shown in the pictures, but an equal one Prikaz prevoda
Samodejni prevod
Ime dražbe
Everything from €1 - Woodworking and Metalworking Machinery and Tools
serijska št.
Posebni pogoji dražbe
Ponedeljek, 27.01.2025 do
Petek, 31.01.2025, od 08:00 Ura do 16:00 Ura

Gabriela Angelova (Manager Customer Care)
Gabriela Angelova in ekipa
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