FREUTEK LMM0017 Laser Welding Machine 1500W

FREUTEK LMM0017 Laser Welding Machine 1500W
serijska št. 185
Začetek dražbe: 20.09.24 09:00
14 opazovalcev
Gabriela Angelova (Manager Customer Care)
Gabriela Angelova in ekipa
Storitve za stranke
FREUTEK LMM0017 Laser Welding Machine 1500W
Številka izdelka
Model / Vrsta
Leto izdelave
Izdelek na voljo od
Kakovost izdelka
Italija, 10156 Torino
provizija dražbe
18 %
Cena demontiranja in nalaganja (binding)
500.00 €
Končna cena
plus DDV
Cena prevoza
ne vsebuje
Pogoji dostave
FCA Torino, naloženo na dostavno vozilo
Pogoji plačila
100% plačilo pred prevzemom
Ta dražba zahteva polog s kreditno kartico
Približna teža
150 kg
približne mere postavitve (d x š x v)
1,360 x 670 x 1,040 mm
Power 1.5 kW, water cooling, 220V power supply. 1. Laser metal welding, the basic welding seam is beautiful and fast, the operation is easy to learn, the welding is firm, and the sealing is good; 2. The portable air-cooled handheld laser welding machine adopts an integrated integrated fiber laser and is equipped with a self-developed wobble welding head. The high-tech air-cooled heat dissipation system fills the new application of hand-held welding in the laser equipment industry. It has multiple advantages such as simple operation, beautiful weld seam, fast welding speed, small size and convenient transportation. It is suitable for welding thin stainless steel plates, iron plates, and galvanized plates. , aluminum alloy and other metal materials, it can perfectly replace traditional argon arc welding, electric welding and other processes. It can be widely used in complex and irregular welding processes in cabinets, kitchens and bathrooms, stair elevators, shelves, ovens, stainless steel door and window guardrails, distribution boxes, and stainless steel home furnishing.
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Ponedeljek, 07.10.2024, od 09:00 Ura do 12:00 Ura

Ponedeljek, 07.10.2024, od 14:00 Ura do 16:00 Ura
Piedmont, Italy

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Petek, 25.10.2024, od 08:30 Ura do 12:00 Ura

Ponedeljek, 21.10.2024 do
Petek, 25.10.2024, od 14:00 Ura do 16:00 Ura
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    Ponedeljek, 07.10.2024, od 09:00 Ura do 12:00 Ura

    Ponedeljek, 07.10.2024, od 14:00 Ura do 16:00 Ura
  • Piedmont, Italy

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