GIARDINA ALBATROS GST 1401/3 Sušilni in ventilacijksi sistem

GIARDINA ALBATROS GST 1401/3 Sušilni in ventilacijksi sistem
serijska št. 139
Mogoče takojšen nakup
2,500 € Cena
3 opazovalcev
+ dražbena provizija in DDV
GIARDINA ALBATROS GST 1401/3 Sušilni in ventilacijksi sistem 20.01.25 11:07
predvidoma na voljo do
2,500 €
GIARDINA ALBATROS GST 1401/3 Sušilni in ventilacijksi sistem
Številka izdelka
Model / Vrsta
Leto izdelave
Izdelek na voljo od
Kakovost izdelka
Romunija, 545500 Sovata
provizija dražbe
18 %
Cena demontiranja in nalaganja (binding)
750.00 €
Končna cena
plus DDV
Cena prevoza
ne vsebuje
Pogoji dostave
FCA Sovata, naloženo na dostavno vozilo
Pogoji plačila
100% plačilo pred prevzemom
V primeru čezmejne dostave se znesek dolgovanega davka najprej zadrži prek pologa, prikazanega na računu.
približne mere postavitve (d x š x v)
3,600 x 2,300 x 2,000 mm
Približna teža
1 kg
The Albatros system cures lacquer by means of the UV system, eliminating the IR component from the radiating process, i.e. it stops the undesired heat normally issued during the curing phase, only allowing the UV rays required for the polymerizing process to pass. 
Unlike other existing systems that block both the heat and part of the UV energy, this one does not need more powerful lamps to compensate polymerizing losses, thus saving 50% of the electric energy. After IR filtration, an 80 W/cm lamp therefore gives an identical efficiency in the UV field as a lamp without filtration. Thus there is no need to install a 120 W/cm lamp to achieve an 80 W/cm efficiency. - This method is useful since it does not raise the temperature of the panel when it passes under various UV tunnels before sanding processes, and in case of high gloss finish it prevents the lacquer from being subjected to head shock. 
Equipped with: 3 lamps Giardina; Control panel. 
Voltage: 400V; 50 Hz; 74kW
Missing electrical cabinet Prikaz prevoda
Samodejni prevod
Ime dražbe
Clearance of a Modular Furniture Manufacturer - SCM, BIESSE, HOMAG, CEFLA, DMC, MONGUZZI - Woodworking Machines
serijska št.
Posebni pogoji dražbe
Točen naslov vam sporočimo glede na zanimanje.
545500 Sovata

- Address on request -
Inspection by appointment only!

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