Dražba Wide Selection of Automotive Machinery and Machining Centers

MECCANODORA 8300-TRV-200/M8-3 Stroj za brušenje zobnikov

MECCANODORA 8300-TRV-200/M8-3 Stroj za brušenje zobnikov
Najboljša izbira
serijska št. 60
Dražba je končana.
Dražba je končana
Odkrijte podobne izdelke, ki so na voljo.
MECCANODORA 8300-TRV-200/M8-3 Stroj za brušenje zobnikov
Številka izdelka
Model / Vrsta
Leto izdelave
Izdelek na voljo od
By appointment
Kakovost izdelka
Italija, regija Campobasso
Cena demontiranja in nalaganja (optional)
2,000.00 €
Cena prevoza
ne vsebuje
Pogoji dostave
EXW, na temeljih, brez embalaže
Pogoji plačila
100% plačilo pred prevzemom
Ta dražba zahteva polog s kreditno kartico
približne mere postavitve (d x š x v)
4,000 x 3,000 x 3,000 mm
Približna teža
12,000 kg

S/N 10-09-12/512

Power 80 kW

Turret with 4 stations

diameter grinding machine wheel 30 mm

grinding machine head grinding machine wheel diameter approx. 200 mm

Documents not available

ATTENTION! This is a sale through an agent managed by Surplex. Following the award, the customer will receive an invoice from Surplex for the auction commission. Once Surplex has issued the invoice for the sales commissions, the customer will receive an invoice directly from the seller for the purchased item. The customer must then independently organize all disassembly and loading operations of the purchased machinery directly with the seller, excluding Surplex from any responsibility regarding such operations.

Prikaz prevoda
Samodejni prevod
Ime dražbe
Wide Selection of Automotive Machinery and Machining Centers
serijska št.
Posebni pogoji dražbe
Sreda, 02.10.2024, od 10:00 Ura do 12:00 Ura
Termoli Area, Italy
Turin Area, Italy

- address on request -
Viewing by prior appointment only!

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