SEPRO SUCCESS 33 Industrial ROBOT With compact beam mounted cabinet For 8000T

SEPRO SUCCESS 33 Industrial ROBOT With compact beam mounted cabinet For 8000T
serijska št. 32
Čas zaključka: 23.09.24 09:21
6,800 € Izklicna cena
2 opazovalcev
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SEPRO SUCCESS 33 Industrial ROBOT With compact beam mounted cabinet For 8000T
23.09.24 09:21
Čas zaključka
6,800 €
Izklicna cena
SEPRO SUCCESS 33 Industrial ROBOT With compact beam mounted cabinet For 8000T
Številka izdelka
Model / Vrsta
5-Robot_drawing_success_33.pdf 5-Sepro_Success_33-_technical_specs.pdf 5-Success_33-_End_arm_Spare_parts.pdf
Leto izdelave
Izdelek na voljo od
Kakovost izdelka
Romunija, 107400 Paulesti, Prahova
provizija dražbe
18 %
Cena demontiranja in nalaganja (binding)
550.00 €
Končna cena
plus DDV
Cena prevoza
ne vsebuje
Pogoji dostave
FCA Paulesti, Prahova, naloženo na dostavno vozilo
Pogoji plačila
100% plačilo pred prevzemom
V primeru čezmejne dostave se znesek dolgovanega davka najprej zadrži prek pologa, prikazanega na računu.
približne mere postavitve (d x š x v)
3,830 x 1,710 x 2,510 mm
Približna teža
506 kg
Serial number P24778
  • Control unit Touch 2 SEPRO
  • Power supply 3 x 400 Vac, Payload    15 Kg
  • HORIZONTAL MOTION OF CARRIAGE ON BEAM: Stroke 2500 mm, Actuation Brushless Servomotor, Instantaneous speed 2 m/s, Stops activation CNC, Side of unloading Either operator side or non operator side
  • HORIZONTAL STRIP MOTION : Maximum stroke  900 mm, Actuation Brushless Servomotor , Instantaneous speed 2 m/s, Stops activation CNC 
  • VERTICAL MOTION: Arm design Direct arm, maximum stroke 1600 mm, Actuation Brushless Servomotor, Instantaneous speed 3 m/s, Stops activation CNC
  • PNEUMATICAL WRIST ROTATIONS: maximum payload 15 kg 
  • Standard rotation R1 pneumatic   0 to 90° included
  • Rotation R2 installed on R1 R2    0 to 180°, pneumatic
  • Intermediate retractable stop on R2     Yes
  • PART GRIP : Unloading off Either fixed or moving platen 
  • 2 circuits 
  • Part grip circuitry vacuum and/or pressure
  • Pressure circuitry
  • CABLES LENGTHS: Cable between cabinet and pendant 10 m
  • interface-cable between IMM and robot 10 m
  • COLOURS: Fixed part of the robot SEPRO Std 
  • Moving parts of the robot SEPRO Std
  • Cabinet SEPRO Std
  • EXTENSIONS: Interface cable between machine and robot EUROMAP 67 
  • Indexing control conveyor (integrated in cabinet)
  • Program for palletizing
  • Program for simple pick and place
  • Integrated and interactive screen (patented)

Technical specifications, please see in attached pdf-documents Prikaz prevoda
Samodejni prevod
Ime dražbe
Quality Injection Moulding Machines - Eastern Europe
serijska št.
Posebni pogoji dražbe
Točen naslov vam sporočimo glede na zanimanje.
No fixed date. The items are in different locations (see item description). Inspection by appointment only!

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