Aukcija Woodworking Machinery

HOLZ-HER Pro-Master 7123K 3 axels CNC

HOLZ-HER Pro-Master 7123K 3 axels CNC
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HOLZ-HER Pro-Master 7123K 3 axels CNC
Broj artikla
Pro-Master 7123K 3 axels
Godina proizvodnje
Artikl dostupan od
Stanje artikla
Švedska, 696 32 Askersund
Troškovi demontiranja i ukrcaja (obvezujuće)
100,00 €
Troškovi prijevoza
nisu uključeni
Uvjeti dostave
FCA Askersund, ukrcano na kamion
Uvjeti plaćanja
100% plaćanje prije preuzimanja
približno određivanje mjere (d x š x v)(
8.000 x 2.450 x 2.700 mm
Približna masa
4.500 kg
  • 1 HSK cone included + various drills for drill box
  •  Includes a number of suction cups and some spare parts
  • Programme Campus NC-HOPS
  • Operating system Microsoft Windows
  • Graphic variants system with HOP and CAD/CAM features to create part variants with macro technology
  • Windows customised surface configuration and operator guidance
  • Macro / variant programming
  • Indication and simulation modes
  • Export and import possibilities to the different programmes
  • Interaction possibilities with a variety of programmes

Technical data:
  • 3-axis
  • 6 beams
  • Number of vertical drills: 24
  • Number of vertical drills in the X-axis: 10
  • Number of vertical drills in the Y-axis: 8
  • Distance between drills: 32 mm
  • Horizontal double spindle in X-axis: 2
  • Horizontal double spindle in Y-axis: 1
  • Distance between drills: 64 mm
  • Working area: 3200x1260 mm
  • Maximum travelling distance: X= 3866 mm Y= 1650 mm Z= 325 mm
  • Max. workpiece height for tool change
  • spindle with HSK 63F tool connection: 345 mm
  • Max. machining thickness/feed height (rear stop): 175 mm
  • Max. workpiece size for vertical holes: X=3730R/ 3460L mm Y=1570 mm
  • Max. workpiece size for horizontal holes X: X=3450R/ 3370L mm Y= 1315 mm
  • Max. workpiece size for horizontal holes Y: X=4760R/ 3300L mm Y= 1385 mm
  • Max. workpiece size for edge milling
  • smaller milling radius (tool 25 mm diameter x 125 mm
  • HSK): X=3510R/ 3525L mm Y=1445 mm Z=280 mm
  • Max. workpiece size for grooving in X (dim. centre grooves approx. 120 mm): X=3300R/ 3760L mm Y=1585 mm
  • Max. workpiece size for grooving in Y (dim. centre grooves approx. 120 mm): X=3200R/3860L mm Y=1485 mm
  • Max. travelling speed X-axis: 100 m/min
  • Max. travelling speed Y-axis: 100 m/min
  • Max. travelling speed Z-axis: 25 m/min
  • Max. travelling speed C-axis: 60 m/min
  • Motor power for the drill unit: 3 kW
  • Saw motor power: 1.5 kW
  • Motor power for milling spindle with clamping device: 6 kW
  • Milling spindle speed 1000-18000v/min
  • Power: 22 kW
  • Extraction capacity: approx. 5300 m3/h
  • Chip nozzle diameter: 250 mm
  • Vacuum pump Becker 3 kW
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Woodworking Machinery
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by appointment
Četvrtak, od 11.07.2024 do
Petak, 12.07.2024, od 09:00 sati do 15:00 sati

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  • Osobna usluga na 16 jezika
  • Savjetovanje na lokaciji putem stručnjaka
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  • Podrška s papirologijom i carinjenjem