Autre ligne de production ACCUSTRIP

Autre ligne de production ACCUSTRIP
En vedette
lot num. 3
Heure de fin : 04/02/2025 10h02
18 000 € Offre de départ
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Autre ligne de production ACCUSTRIP
04/02/2025 10h02
Heure de fin
18 000 €
Offre de départ
Autre ligne de production ACCUSTRIP
Article n°
Modèle / Type
non connu
Année de fabrication
non connu
Article disponible à partir de
Qualité de l'article
Serbie, 35250 Paracin
Frais d’enchère
19 %
Prix total
plus TVA
Frais d’envoi
non inclus
Conditions de livraison
EXW Paracin, départ fondations, non emballé
Conditions de paiement
100% du paiement avant la collecte
Dimensions d'installation approximatives (LxlxH)
55 000 x 13 000 x 4 600 mm
Poids approx.
1 500 Kg

ACCUSTRIP Powder Coating Line 

  • maximal workpiece dimension: 1800 x 1200 x 5000 (6000)
  • dimensions of the machine: 55m x 13m, the height in the highest part is 4.6m (the height is 4m everywhere, only on the floor where the burner 3 is located is 4.6m)
It consists of:
  • washing cabine with one Weishaupt WG30 burners that work on natural gas. (completely made of stainless steel) lenght 24m
  • dryer cabine with one Weishaupt WG30 burners that work on natural gas. lenght 24m
  • cabin for applying powder
  • flow furnace with two Weishaupt WG30 burners that work on natural gas
  • transport chain, maximum travel speed 5m/min, adjustable from 0.3 m/min
    • includes chain, drive, chain tensioning unit, control
    • allows reverse gear, length 170m
  • 4 Weishaupt WG30 burners that work on natural gas. (300kW, but they all work at much lower power, up to 50%)
  • the entire management of the machine is performed on the display of the control cabinet.
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Machines et accessoires (travail du bois / métal / plastique / compresseurs d'air) - Serbie
lot num.
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