BEFAG Paint Shop

Partenstein, DE

Colectare pe bază de programare

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Despre acest lot

Consisting of 2 ABB robots, an ionization cabin, various conveyor stations, safety systems and associated ventilation systems, water systems
Energy and Media:
Mains voltage: 400/230 V
Mains frequency: 50 Hz
Cold water flow/return temperature: V16/R19°C
Fresh water: approx. 5 bar
Compressed air: 6.7 bar
Climate data:
Heating Register: Ampera
Heating capacity: 48.8 kW
Cooling Register: Hombach
Cooling Capacity: Type W2315016R28K
Humidification device: Airtec
Humidification capacity: 300 l/h
Supply air fan: Siemens
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Exhaust fan: Siemens
Motor power: 7.5 kW
FU regulation: yes
Supply air volume: 500 – 1000 m³/h
Exhaust air volume: without (via dryer)
Supply air temperature: hall air
Supply air filter ceiling: filter class G3 and F1
Evaporation time: 20 min
Motor power: 0.55 kW
Paint dryer:
Recirculating air volume: 10000 m³/h
Exhaust air volume via roof: approx. 500 m³/h
Convection temperature: 80°C
Heating type: electric
Supply air filter: filter class from evaporation zone
Motor power: 3.0 kW
Total pressure: 616 Pa
Workpiece type and throughput:
Type of workpieces: Panels in vehicle interiors
Workpiece dimensions:
Length: max. 320 mm
Width: max. 320 mm
Height: max. 350 mm
Workpiece material: plastic
Workpiece weight: max. 1 per spindle kg
Workpiece surface: max. 0.08 m²
Number of workpieces: 352 pcs/h
Surface throughput: max. 31.7 m²/h
Mass throughput: approx. 16 kg/h
Production period:
Daily production hours: 24 h
Daily Work Hours: 3
Annual production hours: 5520 h
Pre-treatment and coating process:
Mode of operation: continuous operation
Purification: CO2 purification, ionization
Paint booth:
Humidity: 30% to 70%
Cabin length: 2500 mm
Cabin width: 3000 mm
Supply air filter ceiling: filter class F1
Numărul lotului:
Vândut de catre:
Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului


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