FREUTEK LON0005 FREUTEK LON0005 Drill bit grinder MR ?3-13mm

Falkenberg, DE

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Grinding is accurate and rapid, easy operation with no skill to grind. With diamond grinding wheel, it can be equipped directly with an accurate angle and long service life. The electrically controlled and powerful motor: stable frequency, strong horsepower and long service life. Bearing shaft and locking unit. The machine is set up with the function of adjusting a point (central point) size, which can effectively coordinate with the material of drill hole and the rotation speed. It can control the quality precision and prolong the service life of the drill bit. Standard with CBN grinding wheel for the HSS material. Grinding Range:Φ3-Φ13, Point Angle:100°~135°, Power:AC220V, Motor:120W, Speed:4400rpm, Standard Equipment:Grinding wheel:CBN (for HSS)×1, Eleven collets:Φ3,Φ4,Φ5,Φ6,Φ7,Φ8,Φ9,Φ10,Φ11,Φ12,Φ13

The item that is delivered MAY NOT BE the one shown in pictures, but an equal one. Machine condition: unchecked. Approx. Transport dimension: LxWxH 320 x 180 x 190 mm
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