FREUTEK SDM0031 FREUTEK SDM0031 Precision Vernier Height Gauges Stainless steel 1000 x 0,02 mm

Falkenberg, DE

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Despre acest lot

Sturdy base with ground support surface, hardened and ground shaft. Stainless, anti-reflective chromed reading elements. Black reading scale for easy reading. Micrometric adjustment. The slightly raised edges of the sliding rod prevent the movement of the slide from damaging the graduation. The zero value and the scribing tip are aligned with the footprint of the socket (measuring range from 0). Tracking measurements can thus be directly detected without calculation errors. Scoring point with hard metal coating.

The item that is delivered MAY NOT BE the one shown in pictures, but an equal one. Machine condition: unchecked. Approx. Transport dimension: LxWxH 1320 x 400 x 190 mm
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