Oferta curentă

Activați Auto-Bid


Despre acest lot

  • serial number A40400688
  • operating hours 40.455 h
  • lifting capacity 16.000 kg
  • maximum lifting hight 5000mm
  • mast type duplex
  • 4 operations lift / tilt / sideshift / levelling cylinder
  • dimensions of forks 2500 x 350 x 80 mm
  • pneumatic wheels front axle 4x 12.00R20
  • rear wheels rear axle 2x 12.00R20
  • engine: Cummins engine QSB 6.7 168 /2200 kW/rpm Tier IV, stage four
  • starting batery 2x12 v/ 150Ah, alternator 1960V/A
  • torque 945-1500 Nm/rpm
  • with Adblue system
  • Dafo extinguisher system
  • transmission: ZF - 3WG171, torque converter
  • gearbox: hydrodynamic Powershift , number of gears forward/reverse 3 / 3
  • driving axle : Kessler D81- diferential and hub reduction
  • steering: hydraulic servo - steering weel
  • breaks: service brake system – oil cooled disc brakes - drive w parking brake system – dry, spring activated disc brake – drive wheels
  • cabin: with AC system
  • hydraulic system: max hydraulic pressure 18 MPa, hydraulic oil vol – 220 l
↵weight approx.: 23640 kg↵loading capacity: 16 to↵lifting height: 5000 mm↵Approx. Onsite Dimension. (l x w x h): 5575x2540x4230 mm↵Read off operating hours: 40455 h↵
Numărul lotului:
Radauti, RO
Vândut de catre:
Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului


9.456 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Berlin - Lisabona corespunde cu 169 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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