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ZOLLER Venturion 400 Drugi merilni stroj

ZOLLER Venturion 400 Drugi merilni stroj
serijska št. 17
Čas zaključka: 06.02.2025 09:16
950 € Izklicna cena
Za oddajo ponudbe se prijavite
Nastavitev dražbenega agenta
+ dražbena provizija in DDV
ZOLLER Venturion 400 Drugi merilni stroj
06.02.2025 09:16
Čas zaključka
950 €
Izklicna cena
ZOLLER Venturion 400 Drugi merilni stroj
Številka izdelka
Model / Vrsta
Venturion 400
Leto izdelave
Izdelek na voljo od
Kakovost izdelka
Češka republika, 415 01 Bžany
provizija dražbe
19 %
Cena demontiranja in nalaganja (binding)
200.00 €
Končna cena
plus DDV
Cena prevoza
ne vsebuje
Pogoji dostave
FCA Bžany, naloženo na dostavno vozilo
Pogoji plačila
100% plačilo pred prevzemom
V primeru čezmejne dostave se znesek dolgovanega davka najprej zadrži prek pologa, prikazanega na računu.
približne mere postavitve (d x š x v)
1,200 x 620 x 1,640 mm
Približna teža
250 kg
  • stored and out of service about 9 years
  • the instrument is mechanically complete
  • with camera for measuring tools HSK63 and SK40 (exchangeable insert in the spindle)
  • the control of the arrester and spindle is pneumatically operated
  • the HD has been changed in the respective PC, so there is no operating program loaded, available only SW updates of the mvis2 program on the CD
  • mechanically the instrument itself is fully functional


note for loading:
loading by seller by mobile crane can only be done up to the floor height of the trailer of a passenger car. It is possible to agree on the spot to dismantle the instrument from the base, which would make loading easier and allow, for example, on a van, but certainly on a truck without its own crane or lifting platform. A pallet truck would then be required for handling in the van. Prikaz prevoda
Samodejni prevod
Ime dražbe
Machinery and Accessories (Metal, Wood and Plastics Processing, Handling Equipment, Construction Machinery, Agricultural Industry) - SHIMADZU, TOS, HOLZ-HER etc. - Eastern Europe
serijska št.
Posebni pogoji dražbe
Točen naslov vam sporočimo glede na zanimanje.
No fixed date. The items are in different locations (see item description). Inspection by appointment only!

Gabriela Angelova (Manager Customer Care)
Gabriela Angelova in ekipa
Storitve za stranke

Naše storitve
  • Osebne storitve v 16 jezikih
  • Svetovanje na lokaciji in s strani strokovnjakov
  • Po potrebi organizacija prevoza
  • Pomoč pri urejanju papirjev in carine